Soc. Geogr. Discuss., 1, 1-23, 2005
© Author(s) 2005. This work is licensed under the
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30 Nov 2005
Review status
This discussion paper has been under review for the journal Social Geography (SG). A final paper in SG is not foreseen.
Contributions to economical geography-making
J. E. Van Wezemael
Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH 8057 Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract. This paper outlines a theoretical and methodological concept, which ties in with the tradition of the German pioneer in action-orientated geography, Wolfgang Hartke. In his view, which is hardly known in the Anglo-Saxon debate, geography should analyse how "geographies" are made by capital investment. His idea can be taken as social geography's perspective on the economic, which contributes to the ongoing debate about the subject and aims of economic geography. In this perspective, economic action means individual action in economic contexts such as firms or markets, closely relating organisation theory and explanatory management approaches to the concept. To theorise space and its relation to economic action we hark back to Benno Werlen's concept of everyday regionalisation.

"We are worried about political problems because we think we can make politics, whereas it's high time to make geography" (Hartke, 1962:115, translation Van Wezemael).

Citation: Van Wezemael, J. E.: Contributions to economical geography-making, Soc. Geogr. Discuss., 1, 1-23, doi:10.5194/sgd-1-1-2005, 2005.
Discussion paper